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Parks and Health in Seattle

Is there a connection between a Seattle neighborhood's health and ease of access to recreational space? That was the initial purpose for creating this map, and the results seem mixed. There appears to arguably be some small connection, but it is largely dwarfed by the correlation between health and socioeconomic circumstances. Initially the focus was on physical health, but studies have also been done to link park proximity to mental health, so I've included mental health data in the map as well (although it needs review).

One interesting way to view the data is to overlay all the health metrics with the parks area. You will see that even though many of the areas in the south have plentiful park area, the health numbers are still low, with the exception being around Seward park area. We have probably all heard the phrase 'health is wealth'. This data would suggest the opposite is true as well.


This is a work in progress. Park data on this map only inlcludes City owned parks and P-Patches, and does not yet include neighborhood and privately operated parks, individual small parks along the coasts of Lake Union, Lake Washington, etc. Demographics data is from a Seattle study conducted over 2011-2015, while census tracts data and park data is from 2020. It should also be said that correlation does not always imply causation. For any questions or if you would like to expand on this, please contact via twitter link below.


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